
目前分類:學習筆記本。Notebook (9)

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勇敢馬桶故事集 發表在 痞客邦 留言(7) 人氣()

在一堂叫做Personal Skill的課程裡,需要分小組做Presentation(上台報告)。
在70%都是說中文學生的business school裡,每次分組很難不碰到同是說中文的同學。還好...依舊和有緣的法國人Anne-Kathleen在同一組,免去了淪落用中文就可以討論的窘境!

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1999年9月,在大二開學的前夕到了溫哥華一趟,記得當時參觀了University of British Columbia,問我對它的印象是什麼,我想,除了那所知名的人類學博物館外;剩下的就是那股濃濃Freshman的味道......

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    It was very nervous time for the student who is going to school for the first time. When I finished the test, I was put in 4A class. There are many Swiss students in this class , at that moment it seems as if I’m studying English in Switzerland. But I didn’t feel uncomfortable , I was harmonious with them instead. That’s very interesting , sometimes I called myself a Swiss-Taiwanese because all of my friends are always Swiss .You can see us talking with each other in the Stoke Arms and walking together in the High street. I know one month later, the scene like that will change, they will leave here and new students will come .But the memory in my mind won’t change. I will remember the scene that my first time in school……

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    There is very interesting scene at the school in lunch-time. In recent days the weather was lovely and hot , there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. You can see some students eating lunch outside , even lying down on the grass to enjoy the sunshine, but all the students you find are from the west , why?

    Yes, I believe that people who come from the east dislike sunshine because they would get darker if they sunbathed .So you can see people in Taiwan, they unfold an umbrella and Japanese wear a special hat to walk in the street on a lovely day. Are they stupid? Um……If someone spends a lot of money to buy cosmetics which they use to protect their skin from suntan. I will believe the first one is smarter than the second one ,am I right?

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    It was fifteen days ago when I have just arrived in Exeter. I took a taxi to Marypole Walk road, I looked for my host family’s house. But I think it is not simple for foreigners to find out the address where it is, I dragged my luggage along the road. I saw a man who was parking his car , I asked him where the address and he told me the direction. I kept looking for the direction in compliance with his direction, but still didn’t find it! When I was feeling nervous and disappointed, a black man shouted behind me. He asked me the address I was looking for and told me just follow him. Finally, I found my host family.    I have never seen that man again but I think I will remember him forever. Although I don’t know where he is, I believe that he is helping someone somewhere else.

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